Pandit Nathu Ram Dhiman was lived at village mandali, who was building contractor in Shimla. He always Chant name of Bhagwan Shri Vishwakarma Ji in his mind. Once he came to his village and he think to construct mandir of Bhagwan Shri Vishwakarma. He expressed his ture feelings with his friends and co-workers and they all ready to go with him. They searched the place to construct mandir. They all decided to meet maharaja of kapurthala .
Pandit Nathu Ram Dhiman and Amar Singh (Kundhi) droga went to kapurthala to meet Maharaja Jagjit Singh and talked to him about construct mandir of Bhagwan Shri Vishwakarma. He agreed to them and decided to gave place to them. He gave this place where mandir exists today to them for construct building of mandir. Pandit Nathu Ram talked with his friends and co-workers and called great priests and pandits of that time to establish constuction of mandir by remind name of bhagwan shri vishwakarma in their minds. But they need money to built mandir. He talked to his other co-workers from which Gurditta Mal Dhiman, Shri Buja Ram Dhiman Bilga, Shri Chajju Ram Dhiman Phagwara, Shri Feru Ram Dhiman Gharche, SHri Gurudutt Dhiman naro Nangal, Shri Khem Singh Aasi Virk and Shri Gurbaksh Singh Sohal Virk and told them to collect money for mandir construcion.
At that time any person who works, to Mason kandi and One rupee, to carpenter tesa and one ruppee, to lohar hammer and one rupee have requested to donate money. Money started to came and mandir construction work flows slowly. After 4-5 years of hard work mandir was ready in 1911. Shri Gurudutt Dhiman Naro Nangal took incharge to handle and take care of mandir. He left his home and stay here in mandir.
A new committee named as Doaba Dhiman Brahman organised for take care of other works of mandir. Pandit Nathu Ram Dhiman Expired On 26 september 1928. At present new committee named as Shri Vishwakarma Dhiman Sabha handles work and take care of the mandir.